The PC supervisor is normally the person who has installed the program, configures it and controls who uses it. The PC supervisor can:
Restrict access to certain aspects of program configuration to other users of the PC.
Prevent other users of the PC from accessing inappropriate web pages (pornography, violence, etc.), using the web content control feature.
To do this, the PC supervisor can set a password:
When installing the Web content control.
In the Restrictions tab in the Preferences menu.
Changing the password of a PC supervisor.
To change the supervisor password you need to know the previous password. To do this, follow these steps:
Click on Preferences in the main window of the program.
Go to the Restrictions tab.
Enter your supervisor password and click OK.
Click Change password.
Enter the previous password and then the new password. You have to enter the new password twice to confirm that it is correctly written.
Click OK.